Saint John's Pottery forges community
How Richard Bresnahan shares ancient art, intentional stewardship, open hospitality, and builds a community around the hearth.
12 posts
How Richard Bresnahan shares ancient art, intentional stewardship, open hospitality, and builds a community around the hearth.
Hand-collect seeds for affordable, biodiverse gardening, writes Lisa Meyers McClintick.
“Nature has come up with some really amazing things. That’s really what biomimicry is about," said Sue Okerstrom.
Technology boosts appreciation for unseen singers, writes Lisa Meyers McClintick.
Mary Jo Hoffman's daily commitment to showcasing and seeing nature has become life-changing for the engineer-turned-artist.
Volunteers fill data gaps, help with vital programs
While often overlooked, lichen are prevalent in Minnesota, with an estimated 700 to 800 species in the state.
Thousands of cranes congregate at Sherburne refuge.
Late summer and early fall rank as the peak time for many wild mushrooms – especially edible varieties.